Kitchen RemodelING
If your kitchen is feeling outdated while you’ve been dying for the open-concept, HGTV-style kitchen you see on TV, it’s time to show your house some love and give it the remodel it deserves. We’re here to help open up you ‘80s or ‘90s kitchen and make it a bright, welcoming space for friends and family to create new memories in.
popular kitchen upgrades:
Open/move walls, expand kitchen
Raise kitchen ceilings
Relocate Electrical, Plumbing, Appliances, Etc.
Add island with electrical
Soft-close cabinets (shaker or custom)
Quartz countertops with waterfall edge
Floating shelving
Pendant and under-cabinet lighting
Your Ideal Kitchen In 3 Easy Steps
We make sure to keep you in the loop of all the changes we make in your kitchen and offer you advice on how to optimize your space. We’ll also suggest what upgrades would be best suited to fit your needs.